In 1999, the Transport Department formed the Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee (QTSSC), which has since taken forward a wide range of initiatives for improving taxi services, including launching the Taxi Driver Commendation Scheme to give commendation to those taxi drivers who have shown good conduct and quality performance production of self-learning kits of the Taxi Operation Self-learning Video Programme and the Workplace English / Putonghua Programme for Taxi Drivers to enhance the service standard and language proficiency of taxi drivers publication of "Hong Kong Taxi Service Guidelines" and erection of information plates at major taxi stands to provide information about taxi services to taxi drivers and passengers. The Transport Department plays an active role in encouraging taxi trade to improve the quality of taxi services. Also, passengers are required to pay additional charges according to the circumstances. Passengers shall pay taxi fare as recorded by the taximeters in accordance with the law. The fare on a taximeter is in Hong Kong dollars and cents.

Taxis are installed with a taximeter to calculate the fare based on the distance travelled together with any waiting time incurred while the taxi is hired.

The scale of fares for the hiring of taxis in Hong Kong is specified in the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) Regulations. All taxis are allowed to provide services at the passenger terminals of Hong Kong International Airport, the Hong Kong Section of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Hong Kong Disneyland. Lantau taxis operate only on Lantau Island and Chek Lap Kok. north of Tsuen Wan) of the New Territories. north of Sha Tin) and north-western part (i.e. New Territories taxis mainly operate in the north-eastern part (i.e. Urban taxis operate in most areas in Hong Kong (except Tung Chung Road and roads in south Lantau). In Hong Kong, different taxis have designated operating areas. Hence, passenger should not hire a taxi for carrying goods. In accordance with the law, taxi can carry personal hand baggage, but no goods. Taxi provides a personalized point-to-point transport service for passengers. The average daily taxi patronage is near 1 million. At present there are 18,163 taxis in Hong Kong, of which 15,250 are urban taxis (red), 2,838 are New Territories taxis (green) and 75 are Lantau taxis (blue). Taxi is one of the key public passenger transport service providers in Hong Kong.